We can create and design formal & funny props for your promotion or event! It’s up to you!
A few little props often make an event that little bit more fun and encourages selfies beside your brand!
LIDL exhibition stand at the Royal Highland Showground at Ingliston Edinburgh – take a picture
Ryder Cup – Standard Life – putting stand
FreeAgent – accounting software for small businesses
Giraffe Conservation Foundation – Glenmorangie are proud supporters of the GCF
We design and construct an extensive range of themed props for your event or promotion. Whatever your brief states we can create the right items to help any occasion go with a bang e.g. camels, an award statue, putting installation etc. we have the experience, staff and capabilities to fulfil any themed night, whether it be American, Bollywood or a Scottish theme event, you can rely on us to match the mood of the event with our creations and to make sure it all fits in perfectly to help your day or night run smoothly.

Glenmorangie Whisky Giraffes
We were commission by Glenmorangie Whisky Distillery to add some props to their exhibition in the form of 3 giraffes, because they were highlighting the plight of Giraffes in Africa and promote how they were supporting the charity, Giraffe Conservation Foundation.
Glenmorangie has been a single malt distillery since 1843 and their connection with the giraffe stems from the copper stills they use to create their delicious whisky. They are the tallest in Scotland and their necks are the same height as an adult male giraffe, which in turn led the company to adopt the symbol to their brand and by committing to support the conservation of the giraffe they are helping with their future survival.